Rule Changes

A donation on this menu permanently* changes the rules of the game. The effects are not time-limited.

Choose from among the following rule change options:

Player Character (PC) Buffs

  1. All PC movement speeds increase by 5 feet – $50 (stackable: $100 gets +10, etc)
  2. All PC ability checks gain +1 – $50 (stackable: $100 gets +2, etc)
  3. All PC melee attacks gain +1 to hit – $70 (stackable)
  4. All PC ranged attacks gain +1 to hit – $70 (stackable)
  5. All PC attacks gain d4 magical force damage – $100
  6. All PC attacks gain d6 magical force damage – $125
  7. All PC attacks gain d8 magical force damage – $150
  8. All PC armor class increases by +1 – $100 (stackable)
  9. All PC saving throws have advantage – $200
  10. All PC attack rolls have advantage – $300 Enemy Buffs

Enemy Buffs

  1. All enemy movement speeds increase by 5 feet – $70 (stackable: $140 gets +10, etc)
  2. All enemy ability checks gain +1 – $70 (stackable: $140 gets +2, etc)
  3. All enemy melee attacks gain +1 to hit – $100 (stackable)
  4. All enemy ranged attacks gain +1 to hit – $100 (stackable)
  5. All enemy attacks gain d4 magical force damage – $120
  6. All enemy attacks gain d6 magical force damage – $150
  7. All enemy attacks gain d8 magical force damage – $180
  8. All enemy armor class increases by +1 – $150 (stackable)
  9. All enemy saving throws have advantage – $250
  10. All enemy attack rolls have advantage – $500

* Unless counterspelled with the Moneyball Counterspell donation